Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Podiatrists can help lower back pain

Recently on the show "The Doctors" TM  a patient suffering from lower back pain was followed. She had attempted massages, strength training but her back pain persisted. She was examined on the show by a chiropractor who determined that in part her lower back pain was caused by her feet. He used a scanner showing areas of high pressure and weight distribution across both feet. Often, the feet are overlooked at the cause of ankle, knee, hip and lower back. However, your feet are your foundation of your body.

 In our office, we use a scanner similar to what is shown in the chiropractor's office. It allows us to visulaize both feet while standing naturally. You can determine with the scan where there are areas of high pressure, where the center of gravity is, the arch height, and size of your feet. We use the scanner with on a large number of patients from patients with sport injuries to diabetic patients. With the results from the scanner you can prescribe insoles or orthotics that will try to restore the arch, regain a normal center of gravity or redistrubute pressure through the foot.

In scans with a decreased arch height often means a flatfoot. With the foot collapsing the ankle rolls inward with the knee and hip follow the ankle. This results in more pressure being in the inside portion of the knee and hip and can result in knee, hip and lower back pain. High arched feet are associated with high insteps. In extreme cases these feet are rigid, limit shock absorption from having reduced ground contact area and can result in foot pain. On a scan that shows an area of high pressure can be as a result of corns, calluses, hammertoes, bunions, etc. The concern especially in the diabetic population is these high pressure areas can result in ulcerations.

The scanner has become an effective tool in our efforts to treat lower extremity pain. Often the feet are overlooked as a cause of back, hip and knee pain. Your feet are the foundation for the rest of your body. If there is some problem with the foundation other problems can result. If you are suffering from lower back pain, knee and hip pain consider that your feet may be the problem.

Dr. "Sandie" Grulke

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