Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eli Manning painful heel hurting Giants hopes for upcoming game

It seems like another famous athlete has developed the painful condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. He also may have developed a bone bruise along with this. After the injury occurred you can see the trainer was taping up Eli's foot. One of the most common things that we do for plantar fasciitis is to tape, or strap the foot. This helps support the heel and arch area which is important in plantar fasciitis. I am sure he will also have a lot of stretching, icing, and physical therapy this week to calm the area down. It is possible he will also be wearing orthotics (shoe inserts) in his cleats as well. Now Eli, had an MRI to help confirm the diagnosis. He may also have had a bone bruise to his heel as well. If this is the case, this may take a little longer for him to heal. Treatment is similar but he may be in a CamWalker for the bruise. Now for people who are into Fantasy Football and have him on your team (like myself) you are probably wondering if you should start him or not. Studies show that with plantar fasciitis it is usually treated conservatively 90% of the time. Depending on which treatment he gets he should be fine for the game. I don't see him being limited too much as long as he is taped up and has inserts in his cleats. I am hoping he has a good game. We will continue to monitor his progress and will update you on his condition.

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