Sunday, July 12, 2009


The foot has 28 bones. Fractures can occur in any of these types of bones. There are different types of fractures that people can sustain. Recently in the sports world, Yao Ming the basketball player for the Houston Rockets, had suffered a fracture of his navicular bone. He also has a history of different foot ailments. The Dr that is treating him had mentioned that the injury he has recently sustained "could end his career'. Very scary. So what is the navicular bone and why is this a problem for him.

The navicular bone has many different ligamentous attachments to it. It also has a main insertion attachment for the Posterior Tibial Tendon (PTT). One of the main functions of the PT tendon is to hold up the arch of the foot. The bone is the main corner stone of the arch of the foot. The navicular bone, also has a very poor blood supply to this area. When bones have a poor blood supply, it takes longer for them to heal. A CT scan was able to pick this tiny crack that he had in the navicular. Now, Yao's options include either conservative or surgical intervention. Conservative treatment would include casting, bone stimulator use, physical therapy, and most certianly orthotics to control his foot. Surgical intervention would consist of fixing the fracture.

So only time will tell to see how Yao's Dr's figure out a treatment plan for him. Yao's injury continued to get worse. That is why it is always important to consult your Podiatrist should you notice any foot pain.

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