Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kobe Bryant - Is it his foot or ankle ?

Kobe Bryant, the heart and soul of the Los Angeles Lakers, injured his foot when he stubbed his toe Sunday night. He has refused an MRI which has led to speculation that the injury is mild or that receiving the results might reveal a more serious problem that would cause the medical staff to shut him down. With the pivotal game 5 against the New Orleans Hornets set for tonight, the series is deadlocked at 2 apiece and Kobe's presence on the court is a must. Due to the lack of medical information out of the Lakers camp, we can only speculate what type of injury he has.

Possibilities include:
1-Tendinitis of the tendons on the top of the foot (extensor tendons).
2-Jamming of the big toe joint, a version of turf toe.
3-An strain of Lis-Franc's ligament- located in the middle of the foot.
4-A small fracture at the top portion of the heel bone that connects to the bones in the ankle.
5-A strain or partial tear of the smaller muscles in the foot known as the intrinsics.
6-A good old fashioned sprain of the lateral (outside of foot) ligaments.

Foot injuries are not to be treated lightly and hope that Kobe does not further injure himself by playing on it. We'll keep watching for updates or more information.

Bradford J. Jacobs, DPM

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor, whose position is Tackler from Baylor, has a foot condition that is causing him to move down in the projected drafts for the NFL. He recently had an MRI which shows that the bones in his feet are growing close together.  A source has mentioned that it is not correctable through surgery. I dont have anymore information on this and will continue to monitor it. Some of the NFL teams may be scared if his feet start to give him problems. He may also start to begin to distribute the weight in other areas of his body putting more strain for example on his knees.


Monday, April 4, 2011

One Day with out shoes

Tomorrow is "One Day Without Shoes" global event. This is being held to show  to create an awareness what underprivelaged children have been going through without shoes. MSN is donating thousands of pairs of shoes to help the cause. Without shoes, the children are more at risk for developing foot infections, foot ailments, cuts, and bruises.

If you are going to participate, please be very careful with this. Make sure to check your feet regularly to make sure that you did not step on anything. Make sure to clean your feet afterwords as well. If you are expericing any problems please see a Podiatrist.

Please see the original story at:
