Sunday, March 6, 2011

BMI, Body Mass Index

There has been a new way to measure ones Body Mass Index (BMI).  The BMI,  has been used to measure how much ones body fat there is. This can determine if one is at risk for certain health conditions. 
BMI under 25 is noted to be healthy where over 30, the person may be obese. However this doesn't take into account if someone is muscular or not.  
The BAI which stands for the Body Adiposity Index may be a better way to measure the amount of body fat one has. Researcher Richard N. Bergman, Keck Professor of Medicine at the University of California's Keck School of Medicine, tells WebMD: With the new BAI, ''you get a number which is the percent fat." The new method, he says, is more accurate.

Stay tuned as we may someday may need to make a change on how we can determine certain health risk conditions.