Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays from all of us at Podiatry Care Specialists, P.C.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Shopping

This is a busy time for everyone. Holiday shopping, running around, and being on your feet. It is important to remember, not only during the holiday season, but whenever doing long periods of walking and standing on your feet to wear the appropriate shoe gear. We generally tell our patients that anything is better then going barefoot, socks, sandals, and flip-flops. For around the house, Crocs can be very beneficial for your feet. Our office dispenses different styles of Crocs, with the most common we recommend is the Crocs Relief. They are great for heel and arch support. As for during the holiday shopping, it is not a great idea to do this while in heels, Uggs, or narrow pointy shoes. Wear comfortbale shoes or sneakers with a firm heel counter and great arch support.  Happy Holidays to all and please feel free to visit our site for more info

Happy Holidays,
Chad J Friedman, DPM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Philadelphia Eagles Wide Receiver Plantar Fasciitis

It appears that another NFL player is suffering from one of the most common foot conditions that we treat, plantar fasciitis. Jeremy Maclin has not been limited yet in his activity and is still practicing with the team. Expect him to play this weekend in a must win divisional game for the Philadelphia Eagles. He will most likely have a lot of physical therapy, strappings, ice, and anti-inflammatory medicine to calm this down. For more information on Plantar Fasciitis, please visit at webpage listed below.

Thank you,
Chad Friedman, DPM

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Turf Toe and Matt Ryan

Matt Ryan, the Atlanta Falcons QB, is from Exton, PA. He also went to William Penn Charter in Philadelphia, PA. He recently just suffered a condition known as Turf Toe. Turf Toe got its name from players commonly getting this condition while playing on artificial turf. Turf Toe can be better explained as a sprain of the big toe joint. This can happen as shown in the picture. When the foot is in a flexed position, this can sprain the big toe joint. Sometimes it can be severe enough where it actually can tear some of the ligaments of the big toe joint. This can lead to arthritis in the big toe joint and a bunion deformity.
Symptoms start out as swelling and pain in the big toe joint. Also with difficulty propulsing off the big toe joint. 
A good clinical history along with X-Rays and a possible MRI can help diagnosis the condition. It is usually treated with RICE; Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Usually a taping to the big toe joint along with a stiff sole shoe to help prevent flexion of the joint allows the injury to heal. It can take up to a month and sometimes even longer for the injury to heal. And atheletes are unable to play during this time. Although it is rare, surgery may be an option if Turf Toe goes undiagnosed or if there is a rupture to the ligament.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eli Manning Stress Reaction

Well it looks like Eli Manning suffered another setback with his Plantar Fasciits. Apparently he must have been compensating too much from the condition and has developed a stress reaction to the cuboid bone in his foot. Now what is a stress reaction? A stress reaction is changes that is occurring within the bone. Could be from overuse or trauma. What is important is that if left untreated, this can lead to a stress fracture in the foot. A stress fracture in the foot, and depending on the bone in the foot, can definitely put an end to a season. And with not that many weeks left in the season, it can end his. Treatment for both is to stay off the foot and offload it. This again can be done via a Camboot, cast, ice, rest, and crutches. He also has shoe gear modification as well. Will keep you posted on his progress.